David Brown
David S. Brown is an attorney in New York City. Mr. Brown has a broad practice that includes experience with media and technology, intellectual property, securities law, real estate, white collar defense, entertainment, employment, debtor-creditor proceedings, CERCLA-related disputes, privacy and data protection, antitrust and other matters. His practice also includes conducting U.S. and foreign internal investigations and responding to regulatory inquiries and proceedings.
Mr. Brown has also received multiple awards for his pro bono work. Mr. Brown, for instance, was counsel to Amnesty International and the Center for Constitutional Rights in longstanding litigation against the CIA and other government agencies concerning the government’s secret detention, extraordinary rendition and “enhanced interrogation techniques” program. He and his family are also active in environmental causes and have granted numerous conservation easements covering acres of farmland and forests in the United States and Canada.
He is currently Chief Legal Officer I General Counsel of B Live LLC, global digital media company based in New York City specializing in live streaming, OTT managed services, white-glove production and digital events. He is also the co-founder of FireRoad, which provides performance nutrition to athletes and fitness-oriented consumers.