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Working in the Theatre

A play is made up of, you name it, ten-thousand, twenty-thousand moments. That’s all theatre is, moments…
Jim Dale

The Emmy® Nominated documentary series that captures and explores exciting industry stories, bringing deeper insight to important work

About Working in the Theatre

Working in the Theatre is The Wing’s Emmy® Nominated documentary series produced to entertain audiences by revealing theatre’s inner-workings, profiling industry luminaries, and taking a closer look at unique stories that surround important work.

We document conversations, narratives, technique, and history on film to excite and inform audiences about theatre, sharing and preserving knowledge of our industry. Spanning five decades of programming and featuring extraordinary work across the nation, Working in the Theatre is the most comprehensive theatre series to date.

The American Theatre Wing’s Working in the Theatre receives leadership support from The Dorothy Strelsin Foundation, with additional support from the Blanche & Irving Laurie Foundation.

Contact Us

The American Theatre Wing welcomes your questions, opinions and concerns.

Support Working in the Theatre

There are many opportunities for sponsorship of the Working in the Theatre television program.  If you are interested in learning about corporate sponsorship opportunities, contact Nicole Gardner at 212-765-0606. If you are an individual interested in supporting this program, here are some things your donation can do:

  • $10,000 sponsors an episode of “Working in the Theatre”
  • $5,000 funds post-production for an episode
  • $2,500 pays for the film crew to shoot an episode on-site
  • $1,000 funds enhanced cinematography by allowing use of state-of-the-art cameras, filtered lenses, and other special equipment
  • A donation in any amount helps us illuminate the creative process and engage theatre audiences across the nation and beyond

To support this program, simply click on the button below and select “Working in the Theatre” after you enter your name and address, or call us at 212-765-0606.