Welcome to an exclusive journey into the captivating world of Broadway COSTUME CONSTRUCTION 🎭 Join us on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27TH AT 3PM ON YOUTUBE as this Master Class takes you behind the curtains of Tricorne Inc., one of Broadway’s most renowned costume shops, with our 2023 Springboard to Design students.

Lead by Kathy Marshall and Caitlin Hunt from TRICORNE INC., this Master Class offers an insider’s view of the magic behind some of the most mesmerizing costumes seen on stage. Whether you’re passionate about costume design, a devoted fan of Broadway, or simply curious about the artistry behind the scenes, this Master Class is your ticket to discovering the secrets into every costume that graces the stage.


About the American Theatre Wing’s Master Class Series

Our Master Class Series provides attendees with exclusive access to hear and learn from the titans of our theatre industry. Guests will range from top-tier Actors, Directors, Playwrights, Designers, and more! Attendees will have the opportunity to hear the many and vast ways to finding your way in the business with each featured artist sharing their unique journey and path to success as a creative. For more information on the American Theatre Wing’s Master Classes:
