Two special presentations, showcasing the work of this year’s Jonathan Larson® Grant winning artists, will be held on March 31 at Joe’s Pub, 425 Lafayette Street, at 6:30pm (invite only) and 9:00pm (open to the public). Tickets for the 9:00pm concert are available now, on a pay-what-you-can system.

For more info, visit

This year’s winners are: Fred Ebb award-winning song and book writing duo Cheeyang Ng (Composer / Book Writer) and Eric Sorrels (Lyricist / Book Writer); composer and lyricist Joriah Kwamé (Little Miss Perfect); Richard Rodgers Award-winning composer Dylan MarcAurele (Pop Off, Michelangelo!); award-winning composer and lyricist Kate Douglas (The Apiary, Centuries); and song and book writing duo of Shannon Burkett (The Female Pope) & Obie Award-winning composer Heather Christian (Oratorio for Living Things).  Each person/group will receive a $16,000 unrestricted grant in addition to a $2,500 Saw Island Foundation Recording Grant to support the production of new demo recordings that better represent the artist’s vision.
